Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29, 2011

This week went by really fast. School has been going good so far. I have gotten used to being away from home. I don't get home sick anymore!! Last tuesday I went to a Giants game and that was fun. My friends from Salinas came and we all went together like we used to before I came to school. I have been very busy with the MECHA club. It has been taking a lot of my time and it keeps me busy. The dance group has also kept me busy. I miss my old dance group but I am so happy that I will be practicing with them today and tomorrow since there are big performances coming up soon. I am so excited. Today I am going to surprise my mom. She doesn't know I am going home. She will be happy. My grandma is also in Salinas! She came to visit from Mexico and I am so excited to see her. My birthday is next week!
Today in my class we were talking about the bake sale at UC Berkeley. It is very interesting to hear about what is going on. We talked about how if maybe it was another product being sold people would feel more offended. Then we talked about affirmative action and how it relates to the sale of cupcakes at UC Berkeley.

  • factitious:
    1. produced by humans rather than by natural forces
    2. not natural or genuine : artificial


  • coruscate:

    1. to give off or reflect light in bright beams or flashes : sparkle
    2. to be brilliant or showy in technique or style

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